Optimizing the websites for Search Engines

Optimizing the websites for Search Engines:
What is SEO? – Improving the website to attract more visitors from the search engines, which is the most essential and the first step included in the inbound methodology.
The SEO helps you to get found on online or in other words the keyword that you optimize for your business is found in the top of the search engines.
Ranking in the search engines can be done by two different ways either by paid ads or by unpaid & organic methodology which requires more contents strategy to be focussed on.
For eg: You have a plumbing business for houses and anyone who searches for your related services then you have to be found in the top list of the search engine, remember 87% of the clicks are done only for the top three results & 94% clicks are done in the first page results, so optimize your site based on these factors.
Google receives 3.3 billion searches every day from people who needs solutions. To find them search engines provide more relevant & trustworthy answers, for this they send spiders to crawl through the web searching for that content. If your products or services give that solution then you are ranked in the top list – This involves several technical & critical steps, the more clicks you receive, the more you get ranked.
In Google top 4 results are paid ads & the rest of the results in the first page are done by organic or unpaid way.
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